Video Service

The Video Service allows managing the local participant’s video stream as well as attaching a Video Sink to remote video streams.

Video interface

#include <dolbyio/comms/video.h>

class video

The video service.

Public Functions

virtual local_video &local() = 0

Gets the local video service instance.


the local video service.

virtual remote_video &remote() = 0

Gets the remote video service instance.


the remove video service.

Local video

class local_video

The local video service.

This service is used to control local participant’s video capture and sending into conference.


The local video interface contains methods that return async_result. Each function that returns async_result is asynchronous and the operation is executed during the SDK event loop. The caller can block the calling thread until the operation completes using the wait helper. The caller can also chain consecutive operations, which are dependent on the completion of this method, using the async_result::then calls. Each async_result chain needs to be terminated with an async_result::on_error.

Public Functions

virtual async_result<void> start(const camera_device &device = {}, const std::shared_ptr<video_frame_handler> &handler = {}) = 0

Starts local video capture.

This method may be called at any time, regardless of the conference state. If this method is invoked when there’s no active conference, it will still select the camera device and set the video frame handler. If the video frame handler returns a non-null video sink, camera will start delivering frames to the sink.

This method can also be used to switch cameras at any point. If you have passed in a video_frame_handler to the previous start call and would like to continue using this handler, you must pass the same handler into the subsequent call used to switch cameras. This will have the effect of just switching cameras, keeping the rest of the pipeline in tact.

If the application uses a default-constructed camera_device, then a first camera found in the system will be used.

If the application starts the video while not in the conference, and later joins the conference, the conference’s local video state is determined by the media_constraints passed to the conference::join() method. It is possible to start local camera preview, but join the conference without video; in order to enable video later in the conference, the start() method should be used again. It is not possible to disable sending video into the conference but keep the local camera preview once the conference started video.

  • device – Camera device to start capturing from.

  • handler – the camera stream’s video frame handler.


The result object producing the operation status asynchronously.

virtual async_result<void> stop() = 0

Stops local video capture.


The result object producing the operation status asynchronously.

virtual async_result<std::shared_ptr<source>> open_camera(const camera_device &device = {}, const std::shared_ptr<video_frame_handler> &handler = {}) = 0
class source

Public Functions

virtual ~source() = default
virtual impl &get_impl() = 0

Remote video

The remote video API allows attaching a Video Sink to receive Raw Video Frames. These video frames can then be handled as the application desires. For example, for rendering on screen or dumping to a file.

class remote_video

The remote video service.


The remote video interface contains methods that return async_result. Each function that returns async_result is asynchronous and the operation is executed during the SDK event loop. The caller can block the calling thread until the operation completes using the wait helper. The caller can also chain consecutive operations, which are dependent on the completion of this method, using the async_result::then calls. Each async_result chain needs to be terminated with an async_result::on_error.

Public Functions

virtual async_result<void> set_video_sink(const video_track &track, const std::shared_ptr<video_sink> &sink) = 0

Sets the video sink to be used by given track.

The video sink passed to this method will be used for passing the decoded video frames to the application.


In the SDK 2.4.0, this API has been refactored. The older SDK versions allowed to only set up a single video sink at a time, and the video sink would get all frames with their stream and track IDs. The older SDKs were passed the sink by raw pointer, and the application was responsible for keeping the object alive until the new sink was set. Now, the sink interface is passed in a shared pointer, and the SDK will drop its reference when the sink is replaced or the track is removed. The applications migrating from older SDK versions should:

  • install the event handler for the video_track_added event,

  • in each video_track_added event create a new instance of the video_sink and use set_video_sink() for attaching the sink.

  • for the least intrusive port, the application may implement the video_sink interface as a proxy that bridges to the old implementation of the video sink:

    class old_video_sink {
      void handle_frame(const std::string&, const std::string&,
    old_video_sink* some_global_sink_pointer;
    class new_video_sink : public dolbyio::comms::video_sink {
      new_video_sink(old_video_sink* old_sink, const std::string& stream_id,
    const std::string& track_id) : sink_(old_sink), stream_id_(stream_id),
    track_id_(track_id) {}
      void handle_frame(std::unique_ptr<dolbyio::comms::video_frame> f)
    override { sink_->handle_frame(stream_id_, track_id_, std::move(f));
      old_video_sink* sink_;
      std::string stream_id_;
      std::string track_id_;
    // before:
    // sdk->video().remote().set_video_sink(app_sink);
    // after:
    some_global_sink_pointer = app_sink;
      .add_event_handler([](const dolbyio::comms::video_track_added& evt) {
    std::make_shared<new_video_sink>( some_global_sink_pointer,
          evt.track.sdp_track_id)).on_error([](std::exception_ptr e) {
            // handle error

  • track – The video track the video sink will be attached too.

  • sink – the video sink or nullptr.


the result object producing the operation status asynchronously.

Video Forwarding Startegy

Using the Video Forwarding Strategy option when joining a conference applications can set how many video streams they want forwarded to them. They can then subscribe to the vfs event which can be used to know which participants streams are being forwarded to them at a given time and thus which streams to render.

struct vfs_event

The event notifying about remote video streams which should be presented, and which should be no longer presented.

The conference can have a limit of the video streams forwarded to the participant. If the limit is lower than a number of video streams in total in the conference, some of the video streams will receive no frames. The application must take care not to show the rendered video frames for such streams, because it would seem like a frozen video.

This event is a derivative of some other SDK events, namely the video_stream_added, video_stream_removed, and video_forwarded_changed events. The vfs_event carries information about video tracks which should be enabled, and video tracks which should be disabled since the last change.

Note that the local video stream (if the application shows a preview) is not a part of this event, as well as the remote screenshare stream, which, if present, should be always shown.

Public Functions

inline vfs_event(const participant_track_map &new_enabled, const participant_track_map &new_disabled)

The constructor.

  • new_enabled – const reference to the newly enabled video streams collection

  • new_disabled – const reference to the newly disabled video streams collection

Public Members

const participant_track_map &new_enabled

Newly enabled video streams collection.

const participant_track_map &new_disabled

Newly disabled video streams collection.

Public Static Functions

static event_handler_id add_event_handler(sdk &the_sdk, event_handler<vfs_event> &&callback)

Installs the event handler for the vfs_event.

The vfs_event is a product of aggregating some other SDK events, and the event handler should be installed before joining the conference. Installing the event handler after joining the conference does not guarantee that the event will be generated correctly.

The event handler can stay installed across conference joins and leaves.

  • the_sdk – the SDK instance on which the event handler is added

  • callback – the callback to invoke when the vfs_event is generated


the event handler connection.

Video frame handling

#include <dolbyio/comms/media_engine/media_engine.h>

The application can use the video frame handling capabilities of the SDK to process captured VideoFrames. The frame handler is an interface providing a Video Sink and a Video Source, thus inserting the frame handler into the video capture pipeline allows the application to receive, process, and then inject VideoFrames into the SDK. If you want to only provide frames to the SDK, the application only needs to implement the Video Source portion of the handler.

The Video processor section shows a very basic idea for implementing a Video Processor to receive camera frames, alter them and inject them back into the SDK. Note that this is just an example to give an idea of how to create such a module. After creating a custom video processor module like the example, one must call start video and provide the processor to this function call. At this point the processor will be part of the Video Capture pipeline and all camera frames will pass through it.

class video_frame_handler

The video frame handler for local video streams.

The application can set the video frame handler when starting a local camera stream. The frame handler can be used to capture the camera frames for local camera preview, and for delivering modified video frames back into the video pipeline for encoding.

There are four use-cases supported by the video_frame_handler:

  1. No-op frame handler: the camera frames are not delivered to the application, and are being encoded by the video pipeline and sent into conference. The frame handler may return null sink and source, or the frame handler pointer passed to the media pipeline can be just null.

  2. The local preview: the frame handler returns non-null sink, but a null source. The video frames captured from the camera are passed both to the conference’s video track, and to the frame handler sink.

  3. Video processing: the frame handler returns non-null sink and source. The camera frames are passed to the frame handler sink only. When the conference’s video track starts sending data, it will connect the frame handler source to the internal sink. The application is supposed to deliver the video frames, but it’s not required to be synchronous with frames delivered to the frame handler sink. The application can deliver frames on any thread.

  4. Video injection: the frame handler returns null sink, and non-null source. In this scenario, the real camera is not used at all. The application should deliver frames produced externally through the frame handler source interface.

In the local preview and video processing scenarios, the camera is open all the time, regardless of the video track state in the conference. The local preview can be displayed even before joining the conference, and will remain open after the conference is left. In the video injection scenario, the camera is not open at all. When a no-op frame handler is used, the conference’s video track presence enables the camera.

Subclassed by dolbyio::comms::plugin::injector, dolbyio::comms::plugin::video_processor

Public Functions

virtual std::shared_ptr<video_sink> sink() = 0

Get the frame handler’s video sink.

If the frame handler wishes to get raw video frames in the stream it’s attached to, this method should return the proper video sink pointer.


a video sink pointer, or nullptr.

virtual std::shared_ptr<video_source> source() = 0

Get the frame handler’s video source.

If the frame handler wishes to forward the processed frames down the pipeline, it should return non-null source.


a video source pointer, or nullptr.

virtual ~video_frame_handler() = default
class video_sink

The interface for receiving the raw video frames (YUV bitmaps, or platform-specific format).

Public Functions

virtual void handle_frame(const video_frame &frame) = 0

The callback that is invoked when a video frame is decoded and ready to be processed.


frame – The pointer to the video frame.

virtual ~video_sink() = default
class video_source

The interface for providing video frames.

This interface must be implemented by the injector, it shall serve as the source of video frames passed to the rtc_video_source.

Subclassed by dolbyio::comms::plugin::injector

Public Functions

virtual void set_sink(const std::shared_ptr<video_sink> &sink, const config &config) = 0

Sets the video sink on the video source.

This method is invoked when the video pipeline is ready to accept video frames from the source. After this method is invoked with non-null sink, the source can start delivering frames on any thread. This method may be invoked multiple times with the same, or changing sink. The source implementation should ensure, if the new sink pointer is different than the previous one, that after this method returns, the previously used sink will not receive any more frames (should sync with the thread which delivers frames). When this method is called with the null sink, the source should stop producing video frames at all.

  • sink – The sink which will receive the injected video frames.

  • config – the suggested config for the video properties.

virtual ~video_source() = default
struct config

The video configuration wanted by the WebRTC track.

The video_source is free to ignore parts of the configuration, or the whole configuration. The video coding will be most efficient if the configuration is respected though.

Public Members

bool rotation_applied = false

Experimental configuration.

bool black_frames = false

True if the frames should be black.

int max_pixel_count = std::numeric_limits<int>::max()

The maximum number of pixels in each frame.

int target_pixel_count = -1

The desired number of pixels in each frame. -1 means no preference, but the source should attempt to fit below max_pixel_count.

int max_framerate_fps = std::numeric_limits<int>::max()

The maximum framerate.

Video frame API

#include <dolbyio/comms/media_engine/media_engine.h>

Video frame interface

class video_frame

The interface that wraps decoded video frames received from and to be injected into WebRTC.

Public Functions

video_frame() = default
video_frame(std::shared_ptr<dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer> buffer, int64_t timestamp_us)
video_frame(const video_frame&) = default
video_frame(video_frame&&) = default
video_frame &operator=(const video_frame&) = default
video_frame &operator=(video_frame&&) = default
~video_frame() = default
int width() const

Gets the width of the frame.


The width of the frame.

int height() const

Gets the height of the video frame.


The height of the frame.

int64_t timestamp_us() const

Gets the timestamp of the video frame if it was set.


On frames passed from the SDK this will be set to the time when the frame was captured. This will be in sync with the timestamp of the captured audio frame corresponding to this video frame. If the application plans to process the frame and then inject the processed frame back to the SDK, it should reuse the timestamp it receives from the SDK to ensure proper AV synchronization on the receiving end.


The System monotonic clock timestamp of the video frame in microseconds.

std::shared_ptr<dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer> video_frame_buffer() const

Returns the underlying buffer.


Pointer to the buffer.

Video frame buffer interface

class video_frame_buffer

Base class for video frame buffers.

Base class for video frame buffers of different type of pixel format and storage.

Subclassed by dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer_argb_interface, dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer_i420_interface, dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer_native_interface, dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer_nv12_interface

Public Types

enum class type

Types of pixel format and storage.


enumerator argb

A memory-backed frame buffer in argb format.

enumerator i420

A memory-backed frame buffer in i420 format.

enumerator nv12

A memory-backed frame buffer in nv12 format.

enumerator native

Special value is provided for external clients to implement their own frame buffer representations, e.g. as textures.

Public Functions

inline virtual ~video_frame_buffer()
virtual enum type type() const = 0

Returns the type of video frame buffer.


Type of video frame buffer.

virtual int width() const = 0

Gets the width of the frame buffer in pixels.


The width of the frame.

virtual int height() const = 0

Gets the height of the video frame buffer in pixels.


The height of the frame.

virtual std::shared_ptr<video_frame_buffer_i420_interface> to_i420() = 0

Returns this frame buffer in i420 pixel format.

If the pixel data is in another format, a conversion will take place. If the conversion fails, nullptr is returned.


A memory-backed frame buffer in i420 format.

const video_frame_buffer_argb_interface *get_argb() const

Cast this buffer to argb buffer interface.

This function should only be called if type() is of the correct type. Calling with a different type will result in a crash.


Raw pointer to argb buffer interface.

const video_frame_buffer_i420_interface *get_i420() const

Cast this buffer to i420 buffer interface.

This function should only be called if type() is of the correct type. Calling with a different type will result in a crash.


Raw pointer to i420 buffer interface.

const video_frame_buffer_nv12_interface *get_nv12() const

Cast this buffer to nv12 buffer interface.

This function should only be called if type() is of the correct type. Calling with a different type will result in a crash.


Raw pointer to nv12 buffer interface.

const video_frame_buffer_native_interface *get_native() const

Cast this buffer to native buffer interface.

This function should only be called if type() is of the correct type. Calling with a different type will result in a crash.


Raw pointer to native buffer interface.

YUV420 video frame buffer

#include <dolbyio/comms/media_engine/video_frame_buffer_i420.h>

class video_frame_buffer_i420_interface : public dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer

The interface represents i420 pixel format.

Subclassed by dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer_i420

Public Functions

inline ~video_frame_buffer_i420_interface() override
virtual enum type type() const final override

The type of the video frame buffer, this will always return i420.


The pixel format of the buffer.

virtual const uint8_t *data_y() const = 0

Gets the Y component.


The pointer to the Y data buffer.

virtual const uint8_t *data_u() const = 0

Gets the U component.


The pointer to the U data buffer.

virtual const uint8_t *data_v() const = 0

Gets the V component.


The pointer to the V data buffer.

virtual int stride_y() const = 0

Returns the Y component stride.


An integer representing the Y component stride.

virtual int stride_u() const = 0

Returns the U component stride.


An integer representing the Y component stride.

virtual int stride_v() const = 0

Returns the V component stride.


An integer representing the Y component stride.

class video_frame_buffer_i420 : public dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer_i420_interface

Plain i420 buffer in standard memory.

Public Functions

inline ~video_frame_buffer_i420() override

Public Static Functions

static std::shared_ptr<video_frame_buffer_i420> create(int width, int height)

Allocates a video frame buffer of i420 pixel format in standard memory.


Shared pointer pointing to newly created buffer.

static std::shared_ptr<video_frame_buffer_i420> copy(const video_frame_buffer_i420_interface &buffer)

Allocates a video frame buffer and copies the pixel data.


Shared pointer pointing to newly created buffer.

NV12 video frame buffer

#include <dolbyio/comms/media_engine/video_frame_buffer_nv12.h>

class video_frame_buffer_nv12_interface : public dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer

The interface represents nv12 pixel format.

Subclassed by dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer_nv12

Public Functions

inline ~video_frame_buffer_nv12_interface() override
virtual enum type type() const final override

Returns the type of video frame buffer.


Type of video frame buffer.

virtual const uint8_t *data_y() const = 0

Gets the Y component.


The pointer to the Y data buffer.

virtual const uint8_t *data_uv() const = 0

Gets the UV component.


The pointer to the UV data buffer.

virtual int stride_y() const = 0

Returns the Y component stride.


An integer representing the Y component stride.

virtual int stride_uv() const = 0

Returns the UV component stride.


An integer representing the Y component stride.

class video_frame_buffer_nv12 : public dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer_nv12_interface

Plain nv12 buffer in standard memory.

Public Functions

inline ~video_frame_buffer_nv12() override

Public Static Functions

static std::shared_ptr<video_frame_buffer_nv12> create(int width, int height)

Allocates a video frame buffer of nv12 pixel format in standard memory.


Shared pointer pointing to newly created buffer.

static std::shared_ptr<video_frame_buffer_nv12> copy(const video_frame_buffer_nv12_interface &buffer)

Allocates a video frame buffer and copies the pixel data.


Shared pointer pointing to newly created buffer.

Native video frame buffer

class video_frame_buffer_native_interface : public dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer

The interface represents native storage.

Public Functions

inline ~video_frame_buffer_native_interface() override
virtual enum type type() const final override

Returns the type of video frame buffer.


Type of video frame buffer.

virtual CVPixelBufferRef cv_pixel_buffer_ref() const = 0

Gets the underlying CVPixelBUfferRef


Reference to the underling CVPixerlBuffer.

ARGB video frame buffer

#include <dolbyio/comms/media_engine/video_frame_buffer_argb.h>

class video_frame_buffer_argb_interface : public dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer

The interface represents argb pixel format.

Subclassed by dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer_argb

Public Functions

inline ~video_frame_buffer_argb_interface() override
virtual enum type type() const final override

The type of the video frame buffer, this will always return argb.


The pixel format of the buffer.

virtual const uint8_t *data() const = 0

Gets the data contained by the buffer.


The pointer to the buffer data.

virtual int stride() const = 0

Gets the stride of the buffer.


An integer representing the stride of the buffer.

class video_frame_buffer_argb : public dolbyio::comms::video_frame_buffer_argb_interface

Plain ARGB buffer in standard memory.

Public Functions

inline ~video_frame_buffer_argb() override

Public Static Functions

static std::shared_ptr<video_frame_buffer_argb> create(int width, int height)

Allocates a video frame buffer of argb pixel format in standard memory.


Shared pointer pointing to newly created buffer.

static std::shared_ptr<video_frame_buffer_argb> copy(const video_frame_buffer_argb_interface &buffer)

Allocates a video frame buffer and copies the pixel data.


Shared pointer pointing to newly created buffer.

Video utilities

#include <dolbyio/comms/media_engine/video_utils.h>

class format_converter

Class which can be used as helper convert various frame formats. For now it supports to/from NV12, i420, RGB as well as helper for merging/splitting UV planes.

Public Static Functions

static int nv12_to_i420(const uint8_t *src_y, int src_stride_y, const uint8_t *src_vu, int src_stride_vu, uint8_t *dst_y, int dst_stride_y, uint8_t *dst_u, int dst_stride_u, uint8_t *dst_v, int dst_stride_v, int width, int height)

Convert from NV12 to i420 video format.

  • src_y – Source Y Plane Buffer.

  • src_stride_y – Source Y Plane Stride.

  • src_vu – Source UV Plane Buffer.

  • src_stride_vu – Source UV Plane Stride.

  • dst_y – Destination Y plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_y – Destination Y plane stride.

  • dst_u – Destination U plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_u – Destination U plane stride.

  • dst_v – Destination V plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_v – Destination V plane stride.

  • width – Frame width.

  • height – Frame height.

Return values:
  • 0 – On success.

  • -1 – On failure.

static void split_uv_planes(const uint8_t *src_vu, int src_stride_vu, uint8_t *dst_u, int dst_stride_u, uint8_t *dst_v, int dst_stride_v, int width, int height)

Split the UV plane buffers into respective U and V buffers. This can be used to go from NV12 to i420 if you want to keep the same Y buffer and just get separated U and V buffers.


Caller must ensure that height * width does not exceed buffer size.

  • src_vu – Source UV Plane Buffer.

  • src_stride_vu – Source UV Plane Stride.

  • dst_u – Destination U plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_u – Destination U plane stride.

  • dst_v – Destination V plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_v – Destination V plane stride.

  • width – Width of the plane the plane buffer (not frame width).

  • height – Height of the plane buffer (not frame width).

static int i420_to_nv12(const uint8_t *src_y, int src_stride_y, const uint8_t *src_u, int src_stride_u, const uint8_t *src_v, int src_stride_v, uint8_t *dst_y, int dst_stride_y, uint8_t *dst_uv, int dst_stride_uv, int width, int height)

Convert i420 to NV12 video format.

  • src_y – Source Y Plane Buffer.

  • src_stride_y – Source Y Plane Stride.

  • src_u – Source U Plane Buffer.

  • src_stride_u – Source U Plane Stride.

  • src_v – Source V Plane Buffer.

  • src_stride_v – Source V Plane Stride.

  • dst_y – Destination Y plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_y – Destination Y plane stride.

  • dst_uv – Destination UV plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_uv – Destination UV plane stride.

  • width – Frame width.

  • height – Frame height.

Return values:
  • 0 – On success.

  • -1 – On failure.

static void merge_uv_plane(const uint8_t *src_u, int src_stride_u, const uint8_t *src_v, int src_stride_v, uint8_t *dst_uv, int dst_stride_uv, int width, int height)

Merge the U and V plane buffers into a single UV plane buffer. This can be used to convert from i420 to NV12, if you want to keep using the same Y buffer qnd just get merged UV buffer.


Caller must ensure that height * width does not exceed buffer size.

  • src_u – Source U Plane Buffer.

  • src_stride_u – Source U Plane Stride.

  • src_v – Source V Plane Buffer.

  • src_stride_v – Source V Plane Stride.

  • dst_uv – Destination UV plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_uv – Destination UV plane stride.

  • width – Width of the plane the plane buffer (not frame width).

  • height – Height of the plane buffer (not frame width).

static int i420_to_argb(const uint8_t *src_y, int src_stride_y, const uint8_t *src_u, int src_stride_u, const uint8_t *src_v, int src_stride_v, uint8_t *dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb, int width, int height)

Convert i420 to ARGB video format.

  • src_y – Source Y Plane Buffer.

  • src_stride_y – Source Y Plane Stride.

  • src_u – Source U Plane Buffer.

  • src_stride_u – U Plane Stride.

  • src_v – Source V Plane Buffer.

  • src_stride_v – Source V Plane Stride.

  • dst_argb – Destination ARGB buffer.

  • dst_stride_argb – Destination ARGB stride.

  • width – Frame width.

  • height – Frame height.

Return values:
  • 0 – On success.

  • -1 – On failure.

static int argb_to_i420(const uint8_t *src_argb, int src_stride_argb, uint8_t *dst_y, int dst_stride_y, uint8_t *dst_u, int dst_stride_u, uint8_t *dst_v, int dst_stride_v, int width, int height)

Convert ARGB to i420 video format.

  • src_argb – Source ARGB buffer.

  • src_stride_argb – Source ARGB stride.

  • dst_y – Destination Y Plane Buffer.

  • dst_stride_y – Destination Y Plane Stride.

  • dst_u – Destination U Plane Buffer.

  • dst_stride_u – Destination U Plane Stride.

  • dst_v – Destination V Plane Buffer.

  • dst_stride_v – Destination V Plane Stride.

  • width – Frame width.

  • height – Frame height.

Return values:
  • 0 – On success.

  • -1 – On failure.

static int argb_to_nv12(const uint8_t *src_argb, int src_stride_argb, uint8_t *dst_y, int dst_stride_y, uint8_t *dst_uv, int dst_stride_uv, int width, int height)

Convert ARGB to NV12 video format.

  • src_argb – Source ARGB buffer.

  • src_stride_argb – Source ARGB stride.

  • dst_y – Destination Y plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_y – Destination Y plane stride.

  • dst_uv – Destination UV plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_uv – Destination UV plane stride.

  • width – Frame width.

  • height – Frame height.

Return values:
  • 0 – On success.

  • -1 – On failure.

static int nv12_to_argb(const uint8_t *src_y, int src_stride_y, const uint8_t *src_vu, int src_stride_vu, uint8_t *dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb, int width, int height)

Convert NV12 to ARGB video format.

  • src_y – Source Y plane buffer.

  • src_stride_y – Source Y plane stride.

  • src_vu – Source UV plane buffer.

  • src_stride_vu – Source UV plane stride.

  • dst_argb – Source ARGB buffer.

  • dst_stride_argb – Source ARGB stride.

  • width – Frame width.

  • height – Frame height.

Return values:
  • 0 – On success.

  • -1 – On failure.

static void set_plane_buffer_value(uint8_t *dst, int dst_stride, int width, int height, uint32_t value)

Sets a plane buffer to specified 32bit value. This can be used to zero-out a plane for instance.


Caller must ensure that height * width does not exceed buffer size.

  • dst – Destination plane buffer.

  • dst_stride – Destination plane stride;

  • width – Width of buffer the plane in bytes.

  • height – Height of the plane buffer in bytes.

  • value – Value to be set.

static int nv12_copy(const uint8_t *src_y, int src_stride_y, const uint8_t *src_uv, int src_stride_uv, uint8_t *dst_y, int dst_stride_y, uint8_t *dst_uv, int dst_stride_uv, int width, int height)

Copies NV12 video format.

  • src_y – Source Y plane buffer.

  • src_stride_y – Source Y plane stride.

  • src_uv – Source UV plane buffer.

  • src_stride_uv – Source UV plane stride.

  • dst_y – Destination Y plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_y – Destination Y plane stride.

  • dst_uv – Destination UV plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_uv – Destination UV plane stride.

  • width – Frame width.

  • height – Frame height.

static int i420_copy(const uint8_t *src_y, int src_stride_y, const uint8_t *src_u, int src_stride_u, const uint8_t *src_v, int src_stride_v, uint8_t *dst_y, int dst_stride_y, uint8_t *dst_u, int dst_stride_u, uint8_t *dst_v, int dst_stride_v, int width, int height)

Copies I420 video format.

  • src_y – Source Y plane buffer.

  • src_stride_y – Source Y plane stride.

  • src_u – Source U plane buffer.

  • src_stride_u – Source U plane stride.

  • src_v – Source V plane buffer.

  • src_stride_v – Source V plane stride.

  • dst_y – Destination Y plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_y – Destination Y plane stride.

  • dst_u – Destination U plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_u – Destination U plane stride.

  • dst_v – Destination V plane buffer.

  • dst_stride_v – Destination V plane stride.

  • width – Frame width.

  • height – Frame height.

Return values:
  • 0 – On success.

  • -1 – On failure.

static int argb_copy(const uint8_t *src_argb, int src_stride_argb, uint8_t *dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb, int width, int height)

Copies ARGB video format.

  • src_argb – The pointer to the source ARGB data buffer.

  • src_stride_argb – The stride of the source ARGB buffer.

  • dst_argb – The pointer to the destination ARGB buffer.

  • dst_stride_argb – The stride of the destination ARGB buffer.

  • width – The width of the buffer.

  • height – The height of the buffer.

Return values:
  • 0 – On success.

  • -1 – On failure.